We bring the training. You bring yourselves.

Friday night's masterclass will follow a standard lecture and Q&A format.
During each session on Saturday and Sunday, there will be two class options. Some of these class options, indicated with a blue highlight, will be movement-based classes, which will provide opportunity for attendees to work on their feet through a series of physical exercises designed for you to be able to perform at home. All non-highlighted classes will be built around a lecture or discussion. All classes, regardless of format will dedicate a portion of time to Q&A. Please be sure to bring a notepad and a writing implement to all classes and wear movement appropriate clothing to any classes that are movement-based if you plan to participate. You may, as an alternative, choose to observe.
All times listed below are in Eastern Daylight Time (GMT - 4:00). If you need assistance identifying the appropriate time for you, please refer to the table below.
When is my class?

Click on any class title below for a complete description.
Friday, June 12th
Fight Science (8-9:30 PM)
Mark Guinn & Jake Guinn
Saturday, June 13th
Warmup / announcements (10:30 - 11 AM)
Led by Alli Green
Session 1 (11 AM - 12:30 PM)
Geometry of Unarmed
k. Jenny Jones
historical african martial arts
Da'Mon Stith
Session 2 (1 - 2:30 PM)
Developing a Personal Practice Form
Dale Girard
Mark "Rat" Guinn
Session 3 (3 - 4:30 PM)
the red nose marks the spot
Yarit Dor & Enric Ortuño
Handgun Competency for Performers
Kevin Inouye
Session 4 (5 - 6:30 PM)
Fight Coordinating for Film & TV
Michael Lehr
Time: We Have More than we Think
Scottie Witt
Led by Joz Vammer
Sunday, June 14th
Warmup / Announcements (10:30 - 11 AM)
Led by Alli Green
Session 1 (11 AM - 12:30 PM)
Solo Knife Drills for Practice @ Home
Jake Guinn
To the Pain!
Roger Bartlett
Session 2 (1 - 2:30 PM)
Cue & Reaction: Simplifying the Equation
Rob Aronowitz & Jason Paul Tate
Dissecting Dialogue & Action
Sam Kahn
Session 3 (3 - 4:30 PM)
Get out of Your Head & into Your Body
Ashley White
a double take
Jess Durham
Session 4 (5 - 6:30 PM)
Live Stunt Performance: Balancing Risk with Consistency
Multiple Instructors
Led by Joz Vammer
​Please understand that due to the nature of our current situation, schedules are subject to change.